
Friday, March 2, 2012

Pantry Purge Tip #3: Conquer the Clean-out

The Pantry Purge Challenge Week 2 (Feb. 27- Mar. 4): When to toss, Dinner (now!); the convince of cooking from scratch.

As many of you know I was sick this week, and in reality I still am sick.  But life goes on. Off course I am behind my on my own pantry purge and my post!  All I can so is accept the fact that we will have to take our schedule as more of a suggestion.

This week is all about getting in there and doing the work of clearing out you pantry.  You’ve already stopped buying with out thinking, and you should have a plan for your meals, this week.  Its been at least 2 but probably 3 weeks since I’ve done much shopping and I finally decided it was time to start restocking the pantry very soon.  Veronica is going to give us some grate tips on using technology to create and manage your shopping list.  Before I do that, I’m going to spend a little time tidying the items I have left. 

We have a lot of food storage space, and it tends to spread itself out over several areas.  In the actual pantry, next to the stove, the fridge, the freezer in the basement, spices and teas in yet another area.  Cleaning it out, I mean down to the contact paper, is something that I look at with a little dread. 

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One shelf at a time!

Pantry Purge Tip #3:

Divide & conquer the clean out..  At this beginning of this week, I started to see some of the actual boards under the endless partial eaten boxes of cereal.  Time to organize what’s left. Two shelves a day, then one day for the fridge and freezer.  It’s a 10-20 min. task each day for a week.  I’m saving the refrigerator and freezer for garbage day.  This week we will be throwing things away.

Each day I think of what I want to be on that shelf, and then look at what is actually there.  Storing like items together gives you the best idea of how much of one thing you have.  I just figured out that the kids can now reach the lowest pantry shelf, so I think I’m going to put items that I wouldn’t mind if they snack on whenever.  Maybe the candy and chips will go somewhere else.

My Pantry Purge Progress

Because I've been a bit sofa bound, I was thinking about keeping motivated on this project. There was too much actual purging I could take care of, so I spend a little time on Pintrest, I've started a Pantry Purge Challenge Inspiration to share with you all. As a bit of a carrot for myself I put together a For the Pantry Treasury on Etsy items. I might treat myself to one (or more of) when my pantry is all sparkling at the end.

I've also started planning my Pantry Purge Pot-luck and Food Drive! Of  course finding friends is easy, and setting a date can be done, but also be sure to locate your local food bank via Feeding America, to find out what's needed in your area.

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<=====LAST TIP #2: Make A Plan

=====> Next TIP #4: Pantry Triage