
Meet the Seeds

Here is where you'll find the best of my Untagged Seeds post about my two wonderful (if muddy) children. Years ago when I started this blog I wanted to share the surprising and delighting things about my journey with my own batch of untagged seeds.

I'll start with my post about my own little boy, and boys in general.

 Not a Perfect Parent is a post about how I strive to be a mediocre parent. If you've ever made it to music class and forgotten a 1/32 scale violin this post is for you. Our internal school choice debate is in this post Time to Start School

When I Woke Up This Morning talks about the political climate that we're raising our boys. Especially  a child of mixed race when the first mixed race president took office.  Another one about the state of local higher education in Western NY The World is Opening Doors to Higher Education, what about Buffalo?

I've got lots of pictures in these post:

I can't leave my little girl out.  Having a girl has been a very enlightening experience.  There is never a dull moment.

I Know its Been a While Doesn't even mention that its a girl, because I had just found out that I was pregnant. But there she was K-Dog's Baby Sister.

Of course she's not a baby anymore, here's a post about what we do all day at home including Washing the Dishes and there was a First Day of preschool.

Lots and Lots of Pictures: