About Me
My name is Kisha LYnn Patterson-Tanski and I've been going around as @klypt since a poet friend of mine said she liked how it could be pronounced. I was born (during the Ford administration and that's all you need to know) in Pittsburgh Pa. And yes that means there is a picture of my parents where their afro's met in the middle.
I went to Florida A& M University to study architecture, which may I add, seems to only happen late a night. Like some kind of iron filling I was drawn right back up here to the rust belt. So here I am in Bufflalo, NY, where for some reason I got another degree in architecture, again mostly at night.
For some time I worked in architecture firms, and met and married an architect, I studied for the the exam. I had a plan. Surprise! pregnant. to which I said: I would better know how to become an underwater arc welder than change a diaper. When the12 weeks of maternity leave we're up after having my son, I just didn't go back to work. I may be an architect someday, I've even taken a few parts of the exam, but really I use my creativity to make potty related lyrics to pop songs. I go to the playground, zoo and violin lessons, nurse my toddler, clean, paint, knit, blog, sing, and try not to drink too much coffee. Well at least its more sleep than architecture school.
And just to make things that much more interesting, I've decided to take my love of buildings and people and become a Licensed Real Estate Salesperson! There's a little more information on that here: My Real Estate links
About Me