
Monday, February 20, 2012

Pantry Purge Challenge

The Pantry Purge Challenge

is just a first step to being intentional about the food we eat. Many people in this world are hungry right now. Many Americans are hungry right now. If you are reading this, there is good chance that there is food that you do not need in your pantry right now.

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For me this started a little over a year ago when my family and I moved into a larger house, with this beautiful pantry. It was a difficult time for us financially, just after we moved the sale of our old house fell through, and it took another 4 months before we got another offer. From that fall until the next spring, I filled it. What I had not realized at the time was that I was filling it so that it would be full. We did not needed all of it, and certainly could barely afford it while we were paying two mortgages. I've decided to make my Pantry Purge an annual ritual.

Then I said it,

“We’re going to stop buying food.”

I wish I could post the look that my husband gave me in the moment. Essentially that is what I did, with exception of fresh fruits, vegetables, and dairy items. I forced myself to USE the pasta way in the back, the can of pink beans, and the frozen veggies that I had forgotten about. We did eventually run out of bread, and if I remember correctly, I made waffles out of three kinds of flour.

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There has is so much information and press out there about the problems with the way American’s eat. Since there rise of agriculture humans have relied on preserved food. Now with refrigeration, shipping, and science we have gone beyond just grain stores or “putting up” jars of tomatoes. Just about any food is available just about anywhere, just about any time of year. In all this bounty, we end up eating processed and out of season food. I am not asking to become vegetarian, or go completely organic, I am not going to suggest you start taking wheat-grass shots. This is about using up the great food you already have in your pantry and learning to buy what sustains you!

 4 Week Pantry Challenge Schedule

  • Week 1 (Feb. 19-26): Start by stopping (buying things at the store blindly)
  • Week 2 (Feb. 27- Mar. 4): How to Organize, When to toss, Dinner (now!); the convince of cooking from scratch.
  • Week 3 (Mar.5 – 11): You are what you eat, and you eat what you buy
  • Week 4 (Mar.12 -19): Pantry Pare-Down Pot luck, and Food Drive.

I am running this Pantry Purge this spring to coincide with lent, on purpose. I am not religious but I think that we can all use a time of reflection fasting, and almsgiving during this time of year. It’s even better with a community! I’ve asked some of my blogging friends to help me with this series.

I need your help too! First follow my Rss feed so you won’t miss any post, next leave a comment below with a picture of your pantry or fridge.

This was my favorite room
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I’ll have a couple of post each week with tips, task, recipes, and of course more pictures of my pantry. We will have fun and some prizes as well. In addition, of course it will all end with a party and food drive for your local food bank!

Join the Pantry Purge!

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Next, leave a comment (or two)!
We want to hear all about your purge trials, tips, triumphs and furry Asian fruit. :)

Last, take a look all of the past Pantry Purge Post!

Don't for get to grab a Pantry Purge Button for your blog.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" width="125" height="125" /></a>