
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Make New Friends

and if you were a Girl Scout:

~And Keep the Old~

    I've been participating in the The Secret to Success is Support 31 Days to a Better Blog Challenge. The day 3 task was all about finding a blog buddy.  Some one who's blog is in the same niche, and you could trade comments and links etc. Suddenly, I'm in fifth grade being picked last for dodge ball again. I can't even tell you what my niche is. I can't even settle on which blog I really am. (My other blog on craft and art blog over at KLyPT). I was about to just give up.

     The nice thing about the internet is that it is a group that is much bigger than my fifth grade class.  In the forums and on twitter I've found people who are much more like me than I'd like to admit. But different enough that I have plenty to learn from them. So I'd like to introduce you to one of my new friends, and formally ask her to be my blog buddy. (Please forgive me for not passing an origami note in health class).

     She too is and ex?-architect, mom, knitter and fellow creative. You think that's lucky she is even a charter member of a chapter of the same fraternity as I, APX. Suddenly, I'm looking forward to making new friends on the internet, and maybe she'll even inspire me to start a big knitting project like a sweater or something! Jeanne is a Great Lakes/ Rust Belt girl like me and  she writes about life, motherhood, and her travels even if many of them are P.K. (pre-kids). She's got to be Sagittarius too, if only moon sign or rising. Please hop over and check out her blog Life in Cleveland, and while your at it why don't not follow her on Twitter as well @Sourire11 where we may be trading tweets late at night, architecture school habits die hard.

~One is silver and the other's gold~

Well I mentioned old friends too, let me introduce you to a couple:

Old Friend, Poet & Hockey Chick
I met Robin IRL, the traditional way, in a coffee shop open mic. We've been best-ies ever since! Robin writes about hockey, and writes very well I may add. Even if, like me, you know nothing about hockey or don't really follow sports, her blog Ice Hockey Chick will entertain and inspire. She moonlights as a poet you know, I interviewed her a few months ago and she reminded us to put art in your life.

Yinzer, not that she'd admit it
I met Sakena in the 2nd grade, before the internet. And yes  we've kept in touch largely since then. Even if she did move out west for a while. The Rust Belt brings you back, its magnetic that way. She blogs about life in our hometown of, you guessed it, Pittsburgh. Hey she's a writer too, so if you find yourself wandering Yinzer-ville, click Frolic 412. You'll find out what to do, where to do it, and maybe how to get there.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, I am participating in the The Secret to Success is Support 31 Days to a Better Blog Challenge, so expect some positive changes in both of my blogs. Let me know how I'm doing, I live for comments!


  1. Good for you giving it a go. We're plugging away slowly but surely.

  2. Love this post! I was a girlscout too for many years. Yay for new blogging buddies!!!

    1. All right, now it just weird! (bet you were just singing..)

  3. Stopping by from theSITSgirls. Great blog! Excited to see how this adventire goes for you!Over and Out

  4. Awwww! I love it. p.s.- I'm not a yinzer. lol

    1. Ok maybe not entirely... But yinz been dan tawn to see the Stillers play, en at.

  5. Great post.Thanks for sharing such a useful information with us.
