
Friday, September 9, 2011

Season of Photography Challence Week One: Back to School

Fall is upon us and with so much going on, I want to keep up my postings and when I saw CrunchyVTMommy was hosing a photo prompt, I decided to jump right in. This weeks assignment is "Back to School", and every fall for the past three years I've taken a picture of my son on the first day of school. I shared them last week in my Wordless Wednesday post. It's a tradition. I thought about submitting one of these this week, but then there was a snap shot of my daughter I took moments later. She was so upset not to be going to school with her brother. So I handed her my camera to look at the pictures, and I got a smile.  I think we both missed him terribly that day. She asked for him about a million times. I hope they remain so close.

Join the challenge here on Kimberly Gauthier's photography site, or here at CrunchVTMommy's Blog , I can't wait to see all of the wonderful photographs.


  1. I love this creativity. So sweet and beautiful. I hope my kids have a relationship like yours when they're older. This is just too sweet. Thanks for participating.
