
Thursday, March 5, 2009

Fwd: Rebekah Williams Announced Candidacy For Buffalo School Board

Wheather or not you have school aged children, our local schools are important to our community. Rebekah is a long time friend of mine, and the kind of person who really understands why children should come before politics.

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Rebekah Williams <>
Date: March 5, 2009 12:26:30 AM EST
Subject: Rebekah Williams Announced Candidacy For Buffalo School Board

MARCH 3, 2009

Rebekah Williams Announced Candidacy For Buffalo School Board

Rebekah A. Williams, an Allentown resident, announced today that she is seeking an at-large seat on the Buffalo School Board. She is currently employed as the Finance Manager at Buffalo ReUse, and has local and national nonprofit board experience with the WNY Peace Center, Nickel City Housing Corporation and North American Students of Cooperation (NASCO). Rebekah has worked as Program Coordinator and Educator for local nonprofits including the Niagara Frontier Council of American Youth Hostels, Massachusetts Avenue Project, Cornell Cooperative Extension and the Wellness Institute for Greater Buffalo, and as a grant writer at Buffalo Inner City Ballet and for a grassroots project called the Community Market Garden.

She is a life-long City of Buffalo resident, graduating City Honors High School in 1996 and Empire State College in 2004. Rebekah's son, Bhakti, is currently in the 4th grade at Bennett Park Montessori Center. The following is a statement from Rebekah about her candidacy:

"I am running because I believe the Buffalo School Board is out of touch with the needs of its students. In recent years, I have witnessed the district make drastic decisions regarding my son's school without soliciting the input of parents. The results of these actions have been a less comfortable and less productive learning environment for Buffalo students.

Many parents have subsequently opted to transfer their children into charter and private schools. If elected to the Buffalo School Board, my priority will be enacting policies that make parents an equal partner in their child's education.

"If elected, I will not engage in the factionalism that has made the atmosphere of the Buffalo School Board toxic. I believe the role of a School Board is to work cooperatively to determine the policies of the district, while it is the duty of the Superintendent to administer said policies. I vow to work with fellow School Board members, Administration Officials, Union Leaders and Parent Organizations in order to make our district one that meets the academic, emotional and physical needs of all children. I hope to create a coalition that recognizes that while it may disagree on many issues confronting the district, it is willing to work together for the common purpose of helping our children grow into happy and healthy adults."

Any questions or inquires related to Rebekah's bid for an at-large seat should be directed to