
Monday, September 29, 2008

Another First

Well it happened. In the life of most children it will happen. We had to take Kiran to the Emergency Room last night. He fell and busted the inside of his lip. I wasn't there when it happened so of course Greg felt really guilty. I know it just bound to happen, and this was really minor, just one (or maybe two) stitches, and a Tetanus shot (which really hurt). The nurses at children we wonderful, and very understanding and compassionate to his pain and upset. The only thing that baffled me was that they wouldn't let me nurse him. I mean it was so upset, and I always imagined that I'd be able to nurse him through this something like this. But a strict "no feeding" policy applies to that too. So for the entire time while we were waiting to be stitched Kiran was just begging for "nummies". That was very stressful for both of us. When we got home he just crashed, he even slept in a bit today, but even through the puffiness and slight bruising it looks so much better now. Knowing the general resilience of kids, and Kiran's good humor I know he'll be "all better" very soon.